Learn strategies for healing (mind, body and spirit) after domestic violence trauma. This life-changing, interactive workshop explores the practical principles used by Tenickia Polk, to overcome “incurable diseases” including lupus, MCS/EI (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities/Environmental Illness), food sensitivities, allergies as well as mental blocks such as low self-esteem, fear, stress, anxiety, depression and more.
Mattie Palmore gives a candid account of the trauma experienced by survivors of domestic violence. You are not alone. Many domestic violence survivors experience fear, guilt, and shame even after they’ve left their abusers. You are not guilty or responsible for the abuse! Identifying domestic violence trauma can be the first step to recovery.
In this documentary, “Pork Chop Day”, watch how Debbie Knapp’s fairytale dreams turned into a nightmare filled with domestic violence.
Be encouraged by Debbie’s newfound hope having been paroled from a life sentence. Also, explore therapy of survivors find through art and poetry.