Mattie Palmore gives a candid account of the trauma experienced by survivors of domestic violence. You are not alone. Many domestic violence survivors experience fear, guilt, and shame even after they’ve left their abusers. You are not guilty or responsible for the abuse! Identifying domestic violence trauma can be the first step to recovery.
In this documentary, “Pork Chop Day”, watch how Debbie Knapp’s fairytale dreams turned into a nightmare filled with domestic violence.
Be encouraged by Debbie’s newfound hope having been paroled from a life sentence. Also, explore therapy of survivors find through art and poetry.
Kari Warren and Mattie Palmore, both domestic abuse survivors and now advocates for survivors, discuss valuable resources available in the community for people facing abuse at the hands of a spouse or partner.
“Breaking the Chains to Mississippi” book trailer. “This book will inspire you to do the right thing. No one can do it for you.” -Minister Carol Owens Ford, Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church Washington, DC.
Debbie Knapp is the first woman in Tennessee to be paroled from a life sentence. Watch Debbie’s story about how her life of domestic violence led to her incarceration after killing her abusive husband. Debbie explores why she remained in an abusive relationship and its unthinkable consequences. Debbie warns other victims to get help before taking matters into your own hands. is an educational empowerment ministry designed to stop the cycle of domestic abuse in its tracks. We believe all parties involving domestic violence start as victims. We produce and promote videos to help victims move from (1) victim to survivor, and (2) from survivor to overcomer.